Greetings from Our Lead Minister

Thanks so much for checking out our website! If you are reading this, then you are probably wondering what Christ Covenant Church is all about. Well let me start out by telling you that I love being a part of this church! I know I’m supposed to say that because I am the Lead Minister, but I can honestly say that even if I wasn’t the Lead Minister, I would want to be a part of Christ Covenant Church. Let me tell you why:

This church loves following Jesus. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that we are the ONLY church that has Jesus-followers, but I have seen people’s love for Jesus affect how they live. I think that’s the kind of impact God wants to have on us. This church cares about people. Every day I see examples of people who have a genuine concern for those they come in contact with. It can range from helping someone in need to simply hanging out because they enjoy getting to know each other better. There is no question that people matter to this church.

This church wants to make a difference. Christ Covenant Church is committed to not just existing for our own benefit, but also for the benefit of the community in which we live, work, and play. There is a common desire throughout this church to make our community a better place by serving the way God intended. We know that we can do so much more as a church than we could ever do as individuals.

Thanks again for checking out Christ Covenant Church online. As you look around, I think you can learn quite a bit about us. But I also want to encourage you to experience Christ Covenant Church in person. We are not perfect by any definition. We are simply a group of people serving God and each other in a partnership with God and each other. Give us a chance and I think you will see why I love being a part of this church.
